Well I have had the most wonderful two weeks. Our little Arianna is thriving - her jaundice if finally starting to wane and she is just the cutest little bug. I get to babysit her tonight (yea!!) as long as Sara can express enough milk. Sara and Michael are going out for dinner and to the movie that Sara helped do the makeup on (I think it's called Kicking it Old School). They are going out because it was her birthday on the 25th. I cant believe my baby has a baby. Wow, if I didnt feel old before.... :)
I went over to see Lisa, Amanda and Ali last night and had a good visit. I will post some pictures I took of them soon. Amanda was showing me her new tatoo she got (it's not finished yet, it's a work in progress - it costs a fortune for her to finish lol) Anyhow Ali had to get almost naked and show me hers that she "pasted" on, so that basically is what the pictures I took are of. As soon as I get them downloaded I will show ya'll. In the meantime, I am going over to get my daily fix of Arianna. Talk to you all soon. Have a great day!!!
AND great news, Louise is finally home from hospital. The tumor she had was benign THANK GOD so now she just has to heal!
Big kiss to Louise. Love ya lots!