We just buried our dear son in law Greg. He passed away suddenly, unfortunately by his own hand. He suffered greatly since the passing of his dear Cody and just never really got over it. Bless your soul Greg, we are all truly going to miss you. If any of you happened to be at his funeral you will know that his family tried to make a mockery of his life. Greg had a problem with alcohol but he managed his life very well considering the upbringing he had. He turned to our family over the past 20 years and considered us his family and we all welcomed him with open arms. His funeral may have started off ghastly but when certain people left then the Pastor did his service and sent Greg off the way it was intended. Pastor Mitchell Belobaba put on a wonderful service for Greg and now his soul can rest in peace the way the Lord intended it to be. As for families, I once again am truly thankful that I have such a wonderful, kind, loving family and I know when my turn comes that I will be sent off in the way the Lord intended and not a circus like Greg's almost became.
Thank you to my family and friends. I love you all andto you Greg, I hope your at peace and you and Cody are together again.
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