Saturday, March 24, 2007

ARGHHHHHH - down day, down day

Hi All - Firstly I HATE the rain - it really brings you down; secondly and most importantly I only have 9 days to go before I have to go back to that STUPID job. I really hate it and even after being off for a year I still have the feelings of dread having to go back to it. People aren't very friendly in that office, I could name them on just a few fingers who are pleasant and those ones are ones that I wont see very often. Plus I really get sick of the whining and moaning of the worker's and lots of the staff...arrggghhhhhh. Oh well I am going to have to stick with it until I can find something else I guess. There was a job in the paper to work in a nice facility close to home, but it was only for 15-16 months mat leave - although they felt she wouldnt be coming back. But it was only $12 hour and I could manage if it was $16 hour I could not go down to $12 from $ was 30 hrs week and hours were from 10-4 which would have been wonderful; plus it was reception and was right in the middle of working with the residents which I would have loved but alas...scheduling here I come I guess!!! I will continue to look for postings internally I guess and see what happens; in the meantime I hope I can stick it out!!!! ARRRRRRGHHHHHH

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