Well hello everyone - sorry it's been so long. All work and no play makes Cathi a very dull girl (ha ha). Anyhow as promised I am posting some pictures of Amanda and Ali. I was at Lisa's house one evening and had a great night with the 3 of them. Amanda had just had her tattoo started (a memorial tattoo of Cody) and so I took pictures of that plus Ali had her own little (paste one) tattoo to show. Man I love those girls!!! They are all so awesome. Amanda is back in hairdressing school. Lisa just got a job with another driving school. She has lots of patience when it comes to that, scares the crap out of me but she thrives on "crap" I guess (again, ha ha)...Amanda had to bring in a male model to cut hair one day and she forgot. When she got to school they asked her where he was and she said she forgot, so they told her that she had to go across the street to the mall and find a male who would let her cut his hair. Then the lightbulb went off in her head and said "HEY I dont need to find someone, I have a PAPA...so she phoned her papa and he came in and she cut his hair and WOW she did an awesome job, especially since

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