Sunday, June 17, 2007


What can you say about weddings - except that marriage is a fine institution - at least for some people I suppose. I love weddings. I love the way the groom looks at the bride as she walks down the aisle, I love the flirtatious look the bride gives her groom as she takes his hand as she reaches the front. I love the way the bride gives her "daddy" a kiss just as he lets her hand go to her future husband. It's all so romantic and I just love it. I love the preamble as well - going out shopping for the dress, for the venue, the food. Everything. Well we did all that however when the final t's were to be crossed and i's to be dotted they CHANGED THEIR MINDS....Yes folks, I am talking about Sara and Michael. They were going to have this elaborate wedding "NEXT JULY" but like I said - they CHANGED THEIR not about getting married, they are still doing that however what with all the costs they have now decided that they want a backyard wedding (YES - BACKYARD...MY BACKYARD) and they only want the immediate family. So on July 14th @3:00pm they will be getting married - yes, I did say - IN MY BACKYARD and the only people who will be there will be Sara and Michael for obvious reasons, the Commissioner, again - for obvious reasons. Arianna of course. Then Willy, myself, Michaels' mom and dad Gloria and David - Michael's sister Laura. Marc, Lisa and Amanda and Sara's bf and husband Carleen and Chris and Michael's bf. Then we will celebrate the evening with a small barbecue. HOWEVER in August we will be having a reception (and I dont' think this one will be in my backyard, I think for this one we will rent a small hall) and invite EVERYONE to come and have a little celebration with us.
Now - before I say goodbye, one more thing - they arent just having a wedding in "MY BACKYARD" but on July 1st they are moving, lock, stock and barrel into my house. That's right - they are moving home - the 3 of them, taking over MY BEDROOM and moving in for at least 6 months with the hopes of saving $$$ so they can hopefully afford the future home of the Baird's.
But all kidding aside I am truly looking forward to all of this. I cant wait to have them under my roof - I get to have my hands on Arianna 24/7 and I am sure they both can use a little rest once in a while - and anything to help them save towards the wedding I am all for.
So all of you please do not feel offended if you dont get invited to the wedding, be darned sure that you all will most definitely be invited to the reception in August.
Love to you all

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