Hi all - me, Willy and my friends went "bowling"...well if you want to call it that. It was 10 pin bowling and although I have done 5 pin (and not very well) I had never even been in a 10 pin bowling alley before, let alone "bowl"...But we had fun (I think) although I lost. It's a good thing that I am not competitive when it comes to sports because I certainly would have been a sore loser...yes, I did lose however I have to say that my girlfriend who bragged that she grew up 10 pin bowling did NOT win by much over me...now the guys - well they were a different story. When one got ahead of the other then all hell broke lose trying to outdo each other. This was 2 weeks ago that we went. Now I know I am a big girl but I have these skinny little fingers and small little wrists so I had to find a ball that wasnt very heavy. In fact, I think that the ball that I used was for someone about 6 years old. It was bright orange and well suffice it to say, did not weight too much. My allies used much heavier balls and because of that - the holes in the balls were much bigger. My little tiny orange ball had teensy weensy little holes. My little fingers fit well except my middle finger. And well - still, 2 weeks later my middle finger is swollen and quite stiff and sore...small price to pay to lose right...oh well, maybe next time I may graduate to a 8 year old's ball...But - I had fun and hey, isnt that what counts the most??
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